Wednesday, June 28, 2017

[FAQ Hong Kong] How to go to the city from Airport? (Bilingual)

Hong Kong is a really big country!
lots of people want to go there to do vacation, shopping, or looking for job opportunities.
For me, spent one year in Hong Kong, and went back there for more than five times, makes my experience in Hong Kong have a PhD degree.

lots of people asked me, about living in Hong Kong (as they are first comer)
so i decided to make FAQ post, so it is easier for me and them to getting know Hong Kong!

Frequently Asked Questions number 1: How to go to the city from Airport? 
(Gimana caranya ke kota dari bandara Hong Kong?)

a. City Bus
The cheapest one is using bus directly to your place, there are lots of bus choice in bus station to go to every corner of Hong Kong! but if you're not brave enough/bring lots of luggage/bring children better use another option. You can check the number of bus in here.
Best for backpacker and love adventure.
(Paling murah menggunakan bus langsung ke tempat tujuan, banyak banget pilihan bus buat ke seluruh ujung Hong Kong. Tapi kalo gak berani, atau bawa banyak barang dan bawa anak kecil, mendingan jangan pakai bus takut ribet. Bisa cek nomor busnya di sini
Cocok untuk yang suka backpacker dan berjiwa petualang)

b. MTR Subway
Using MTR from Tung Chung MTR. There is no MTR line from airport, so you need to go to the closest MTR station in Tung Chung. You can get S1 bus from airport. Only 3.5 HKD directly to MTR Tung Chung Station. Best for people who want to shopping first in Citygate MTR Tung Chung, there are lots of cheap branded factory outlet.
(Menggunakan MTR dari stasiun Tung Chung. Tapi karena dari airport gak ada MTR langsng ke Tung Chung, jadi harus naik bus S1 dlu sampai ke Tung Chung, cuma 3.5 HKD.
Cocok untuk yang mau belanja dlu di factory outlet citygate Tung Chung, banyak barang murah branded)

c. Airport Express
The fastest one is using airport express, only 24 minutes! and coming every 10 minutes from 05:54 to 23:38. If you using airport express to go back to the airport, you can check-in your flight and luggage in Hong Kong and Kowloon Station! can check-in between 90 minutes and one full day ahead from your flight departure time! You can also stop not in the city, for example if you want to go to Disneyland Resort, you can stop in Tsing Yi Station and continue using MTR Station, it would be cheaper also. You can check the rate in here.
(Paling cepat pakai airport express, cuma 24 menit aja dan available setiap 10 menit sekali. Kalian juga bisa check-in duluan kalau pakai airport express buat kembali ke airport loh! terus airport express gak selalu harus dari airport ke kota. kalau mau berenti di tengah juga bisa, dan pastinya jadi lebih murah. contohnya mau ke disneyland, bisa berenti di Tsing Yi station dan lanjut MTR. Harga untuk airport express bisa dicek di sini)

d. Taxi
The easiest way is using taxi! just sit down and arrived in front of your hotel. But you must pay attention, there are three colors of taxi in Hong Kong! 
Red serve all destinations throughout Hong Kong including the airport except Tung Chung Road and roads in south Lantau.
Green serve only the New Territories and specific roads in Lantau.
Blue serve all destinations in Lantau and the airport.
What is the really differences between them? According to my experience, the starting fee is different among each others.
(Paling gampang dan gak ribet ya pake taksi! tinggal duduk, kasih alamat hotel ke sopir langsung sampe. tapi taksi di HK itu ada tiga warna,
Merah buat semua tempat di HK kecuali Tung Chung dan Selatan Lantau
Hijau buat semua new territoties
Blue buat area sekitar airport. apa sih bedanya? kalo gak salah, harga start awal dan permeternya itu beda. Bisa dicek perkiraan harganya di sini)

yeay that's all that I know we can use from Hong Kong airport to the city
my choice when I was living in New territories, I always use bus because the bus station was near my house on that day.
my choice when I was travelling with my family, taxi of course, the easiest way!
my choice when I was travelling with my friend, MTR Tung Chung

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